Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Final Project

The big idea of my final is reality and how people perceive what reality is. I wanted to make two different images where I could incorporate images on to a television that signified what aspects of life that people take to seriously vs. what aspects of life people should be worried about. The reality image will express family values, peace, love, health and education. The image that represents hoe people perceives reality will have pictures that represent wealth, drugs, the pursuit or the perfect body or the perfect car. My biggest influence was media; I took a class last semester that was based on what people really get out of the programs they watch. The truth is every commercial, television program and movie gives us this distorted view of reality and takes us away from what we should be focusing on. We are losing our sense of individuality, an example of this is how it has become more important to have a perfect body then it is to be healthy. Every time you turn on the tv, your computer, open a magazine or a newspaper images of makeup, clothing etc. are shoved in your face without you even realizing it. I wanted to show what is important in life, like family, and what is not as important like plastic surgery and how the media is to blame, which is communicated by the television sets in both images. My big idea was not meant to bash on certain members of society but to open their eyes to their actions. 

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